Monday, February 09, 2009

If I Had Known...

As a child, I was intrigued by the sky. My mom obsessed about the sea, my dad about the mountains...but for me it was the sky that held the mysteries of the universe that begged to be unlocked and understood. Always changing, no defined beginning or end, answers to no one and nothing, fickle, fierce, austere, serene, deadly, and beautiful. Why is it blue? Where does it end? Why is there wind? Why are the clouds red? Where does it meet the sea? What are the clouds made of? Who knew that the sky and wind would become such an integral part of my living and my leisure? There is no element to which I am more beholden and dependent, and which dictates whether I work or not. I always wondered what the world looked like from up there, what the air feels like 12,000 feet up. I never dreamed in a million years I would be falling out of the same sky I looked up at as a kid!!


Sarie said...

Beautiful Rachel. I know, isn't it so crazy what you do? And the air is a large component of that. The sky is intriguing because of it doesn't obey as many laws as everything else does.. it's free. That's what draws you in. You relate with it.

Hannah said...

Oh my gosh, this is the raddest post! I love how you connected the two stages of your relationship with the sky, you are so rad.

best mom ever said...

And the sky you love moves my sea, plays atop Dad's mountains. I love you so much. This post spoke to my heart so much.