In case you all ever wondered, the fuel tank is not easy to find. In fact, it may take a reasonably intelligent person up to 10 minutes to figure out where the heck you put the gas in. Well I'll save you all some time and let you know that it is under the front hood. That bit of trivia is borne of 10 painful, embarrassing minutes at the Shell station in shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops surrounded by rednecks in trucks four times the size of the bug. Then when I finally found it (after my VW-mechanic-turned-cop dad wouldn't answer his phone), it took ANOTHER 10 minutes to put 6.5 gallons of gas in the thing. See, it's not like those new-fangled cars that have the fancy little valve-cover-thingy that shield you from the fumes...oh no. This is just an oversized lawn mower gas tank. So I had to squint with one eye and let the gas trickle in to make sure I didn't overflow it, all the while hacking and gagging from the lovely aroma. Long story short, I filled her up with gas and it only cost me 25 bucks.
Well, that is about all my adventures from this part of the country. Just been riding my bike a lot and eating and playing outside. I am a big kid.
hilarious. you know where the horn is right?
Rachel, don't you see a resemblance to Dad? Both shiny and dated! You could have called me about the gas tank because I had to spend plenty of time under the hood of our VW's trickling in the gas.
That is so funny, don't you remember dad and mom fueling up our bug when we were little? Geez Rache, smart, yes but it's all about memory retention. ;0)
So funny Rache. WEll told.
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