Monday, October 29, 2007

I am so lucky. I have the best husband I could have ever found. I feel like an old, crusty miner that has been wandering them thar hills...round and round, crossing the same stream, having given up finding gold long ago. Just ambling along...stopping to admire the bushes, trying to find something to eat, and deciding that there's really no such thing as's just something one of the other guys made up to see how many old crusty guys they could get to run for the hills looking for it. Then on like the billionth day of wandering around, I trip over this huge, hulking boulder in the middle of the trail where there was no boulder before, and I look down and turns out I've stubbed my toe on a gold nugget the size of a volkswagon bug!!!! I'm rich!!! I'm set for the rest of my life! Happiness is mine!!!

Seriously...what are the chances of that happening. Not huge. Not even little. Just a little insight on how incredibly, unbelievably, perfectly, happily, fortunately, and utterly ecstatically lucky I am.

Ok, time to go to bed and dream about my gold nugget!


kevin said...

are you sure you're talking about me? i defile your bathroom, i leave dirty socks on the floor, i tickle you mercilessly, some other things i wont get into, and you still love me? whatever the doctors are giving you...up the dose! but seriously baby, the fact that you think so highly of me makes me feel all funny, like when i used to climb the rope in gym class....

mo said...

it is so awesome to know that kevin
makes u feel that way even from
thousands of miles away...he should be thankful that he was made
such a good catch of himself...and of course that shows ur good mo

Hannah said...

You are so cute Rachie Poo. And your nugget better live up to this outstanding reputation or he will have your fiesty little sister to answer to:) Just kidding, he seems awesome, just like you! I miss you!

Sarie said...

Kevin is such a nugget. So true. So are you, Rachie. We are all so lucky. My hubby is like a boulder. A lactose intolerant, semi-stinky, teasing, boulder. But I love him.