Friday, October 26, 2007

From a time when men were men, and war was war:

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made so and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

The war going on between good and evil in the souls of men is, to me, the most desperate conflict that exists today. The decayed and degraded state of moral feeling, and the selfish and unfeeling disregard that man has for his fellow man is what will destroy our race...not physically, for the earth continues to be populated at an alarming rate...but spiritually. As compassion, tolerance, understanding, selflessness, and a love of peace are wrenched from the hearts of men by generations of war and killing, man becomes less like the God who created him and more like the devil who seeks to destroy him. This fight for good amongst evil that rages in a sea of angry, hopeless youths can only be won by clinging to the threads of humanity that are still left. Although at times it is easy to assume that God has left this land; this place where men fight to the death in His name kill their neighbor whilst calling on His name, no person with a soul left in him could deny that he has not. For all the suffering and grief these people have endured for generations, they are still here. There is no way Satan would fight so hard to keep a hold on their hearts if they did not have some vital part in the big plan. They fight a desperate battle, but the fact that they are still fighting makes me think that there is a reason they are still here.


Naomi Campbell said...

I am using Naomi's account because I refuse to give up living in the dark ages. But not the dark ages I find you writing about. The one that grips the hearts of tenacious individuals in a desolate, arid place is described so vividly here and speaks to my heart. In the fissures of the desert you find them, somehow surviving, many still seeking the destruction of his brother, while the women and children mourn. The news of Iraq is so good right now. I hope the tenticles of hope and rising will spread. But fissures are so hard to find, and hope goes there seldom. Love you, SGT. Mom

Sarie said...

Love it, Rachel. Thanks for the insight.

mo said...

u cut to the chase and call it like u see so u mo

Naomi Campbell said...

Rachel, you need to sign your name to your posts because I can't tell if you are quoting some famous philosopher or if it is your writing. Love, Dad