Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I like being by myself. Maybe it was all those years of being crammed in a tiny house with the best friends a kid could ever ask for! I just value my quiet time alone so much. It's nice to just chill in the house with no noise from the tv, just with some music and a book, just make something to eat and chill out. I'll miss that so much in Iraq. I feel like an old lady!!!


Sarie said...

I am positively the same! I stare at the wall a lot when I can't be alone, just thinking about being alone. I am so comfortable with it. Not absurd or old-ladyish, Rache, just a part of what makes you great. Miss you.

Hannah said...

Oh man, alone time is gold. I really can't even imagine what that will be like for you over in Iraq. I think one of the greatest things about our upbringing is the appreciation developed for a good book and quiet background music! No one can know the beauty of that unless they have once lived like we lived. You are so awesome Rach!!