Just had a nostalgic moment...did you ever see two people who matched so well? I might be a bit partial...:-) I hope so much that we can relive this moment again in May when Kev comes to see me...can't wait!!!!
Of all virtues, integrity is paramount. Without it, all others are merely an empty shell...but bind yourself with it and all things virtuous will be yours.
1. Likes the beach.
2. Cares little for sports.
3. Single, though not loveless.
4. Tends to be somewhat obsessive at times when it comes to washing the car and organizing her underwear drawer (too bad the rest of her life is in shambles...sort of).
5. Likes red.
6. Hates baby blue.
7. Likes sushi.
8. Hates greasy sandwiches.
9. Likes music.
10. Hates noise that some people call music.
10 1/2. Owns a Harley and a '65 Beetle.
that was an awesome day...
You guys are meant for eachother!!
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