Friday, December 04, 2009

Finally! First time since I've been in the Army that I actually have a Christmas Tree!! I'm sure our neighbors wondered about us as they watched us hack at this thing for about 45 minutes to get it to fit in the stand. As you can see, Grace (the dog) is slightly bored, as the amusement wore off after 20 minutes or so! In the end, we were successful and the tree now stands adorned with lights in the living room. Slightly traumatized, but standing nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

Love the dog and the tree! You're a real person now!!! oxoxoxoxo

Naomi Campbell said...

Haha! That looks like you guys had so much fun putting up your tree! and the dog!! She's gorgeous! I'm happy to see that you are doing so good. I'm happy you were able to come to the wedding. Love you tons Rachel.