Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The pain associated with the items in this picture cannot be overstated.
I ran a marathon. It was not easy. It was right up there with the 24 hour epic ascent of Half Dome. It brought memories of insane 16 mile days with a 50 pound backpack in the High Sierras, wondering if your body is capable of one more step. But, we are Medleys: that ability to force one more step, one more mile, one more hill...it's in our blood!!!


kevin said...

wheres the mention of the non-train up?

Unknown said...

I still have yet to run a marathon. You've inspired me. The closest I've come is a 5k in ketchikan. I know it's a stretch but you're right, accomplishing daunting tasks has been running through the medleys' veins since our first backpacking trip with dad. I can't wait to disappear this summer into the wild again.

Hannah said...

You're a freaking stud dude. I miss you tons!

Sarie said...

You are crazy, Rachel. The JMT was hard and all, and I can't believe I did it, but a marathon is INTENSE dude.