This snapshot serves as a glimpse into the risks I take on an everyday basis in a war zone. First, as you can see, the danger of being photographed in an extremely unflattering position looms constantly. The arid desert air has a way of warping camera lenses so as to make a person's slim midsection appear swollen and pudgy. Things printed with a camoflauge pattern jump out at you at every turn, sneaking up behind you when you least expect it. But besides all this, it is perhaps the boxed juices that strike the greatest fear in the hearts of noble fighting men...that little drop of juice that projects itself with deadly precision into the eye of the parched prospective partaker. As you can see from the photo above, I barely escaped alive, having looked death in the face. Heaven only knows what adventures await in the coming months...wish me luck!!!!!
my mom doesnt let me drink from things with straws. i spent an alarmingly large amount of time as a teenager with an eye patch due to straw injuries. i still prefer a sippy-cup....
hey where did u get that juice ..it's a dangerous thing
those straws...kevin had such a
hard time getting it to his mouth
and not his eye...ahahaha
love mo
Oh Rachel Rachel, how can you always be so funny?
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