Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm sitting at my computer desk with the window right in front of me but slightly to the left, so I see a beautiful sunset above a gravel driveway, the runway, a field, some trees, and the sky. There are striated clouds that are still lightish yellow, starting to turn pink. It reminds me of the last night Kevin and I had together, sitting outside on the balcony of the Marriot in Okinawa, watching the sun sink lower and lower behind the trees, the vibrant blue water of the Pacific, and the islands in the distance, under a blanket and the whole time thinking that there was absolutely NOTHING I wouldn't give to just stop time for a little while, to stop the sun from sinking, stop the earth from spinning, please, stop everything, so we could just sit there and love each other for a while without the dusk creeping up on one side and the hands of time sneaking up on the other side, hauntingly reminding me that time stops for nothing and that that last bit of daylight with my true love would have to last me many months ahead of heat, sweat, sand, tears, maybe blood, and lonliness till I see him again. But in the same way that time waits for no one, and the same way that he plays no favorites, by the same natural laws he cannot keep true lovers apart, no matter how much the earth spins and no matter how much space is between thing that time cannot do is stretch the miles. The six-thousand some-odd miles will not grow no matter how long we have to be apart. I love Kevin Haddon, and I will love him more every day for the rest of my life and beyond, beyond time, beyond space and distance, beyond mountains and deserts, and most especially, beyond the sea.

I love you Kevin.



Hannah said...

Rachie funny you said you were brought to tears from my blog because I was reading yours and totally started crying! When Sean was done with boot camp before SOI we sat together and cried thinking about the fact he had to leave again. It is crazy the way you can truly long for the touch of your true love. It will be worth the wait and you will NEVER take holding eachother for granted again. Be strong Rach and don't be afraid to cry, even if it's every day! Love you.

Sarie said...

Love you and love Kevin. Also love that you blog now. It is my belated Christmas present from you. Thank you.