Monday, January 01, 2007

Oh my goodness...I have that overwhelmed, "where the heck do I start" feeling right now. I'm starting a Blog, but it's kind of like trying to jump on a high speed train from a do you do it? Well, my life is going at high speed, so I'm going to try to keep up with it in a blog. Right. Good one. Key word: TRY.

Brief synposis: Born in 1977, teased alot in school, lots of siblings, big ears, these two teeth that do their own thing, always wanted long hair never had it, didn't watch alot of TV and did alot of chores (or spent alot of time getting out of doing chores and then getting in trouble for not doing them). Played outside ALOT. Barely graduated, bloomed late. Got married, got divorced, learned heaps. Learned to sail, snowboard, ski, skydive, and climb. Always been a big reader. Drove across the country coast to coast three times. Lived in Cali, Utah, NYC. Been to 4 continents (roughly 14 countries). Went to college, joined the Army, quit eating meat (except fish). Ran fast, messed up, fell down hard, got up again many times. Been chasing something, never could quite figure out what it was...finally I found it. He's one inch shorter than me but in every way my perfect match...had to fly 12,000 miles just to make sure...roughly 3 gallons of tears later there's no doubt he's the only one for me.

My daily routine: get up, work out, shower, put on my uniform, go to work (LOVE MY JOB!!!!), work very hard, go home, listen to Shostakovitch, Fitzgerald, Beethoven, Rimsky-Korsakov, or the Beatles, eat sushi, read myself into a stupor and fall asleep (I'm one of the most interesting people I know ha ha).

What makes me tick: my family, music, the power of words, the awe of nature, and true love.

I'm going to try my best to keep this thing a journal I can just sneak off to at least a few times a week to put a few blurbs.



kevin said...

brevity is not your strong suit.

fruit-a-licious said...

And punctuation is not yours...didn't anyone ever teach you to capitalize? :-)

kevin said...

lol. eye doent eundirstand waht ewe meen...